The Big Slavic Team
Yury (Russia)
In october 2016 he made a prototype of the website (swadesh list) for russian, slovene and croatian languages.
In january 2017 he launched "The Big Slavic Dictionary" - a project for linguists and to help people who are learning Slavic languages.
Krzysztof (Poland)
He joined the editorial team in February 2017 determined to have "The Big Slavic Dictionary" represent the Polish language better.
He corrects and manages words in the dictionary.
Denis (Slovakia)
He joined the team in July 2017, primarily dedicated to the Slovak section of "The Big Slavic Dictionary".
Should you see a Slovak noun, there is a big chance that he has already added a case for that word.
We are always looking for new editors from Slavic countries. If you want to help us - contact us.